Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


Lately I've encounterd a much greater than usual number of whiners. So many people I know and many I don't have lost their jobs. Some of the luckier whiners still have their jobs, but they're whining about pay cuts and longer hours. The luckiest whiners I know still have a job but whine about not getting a raise or a bonus.

Times are tough, but really, what's the point of whining about it? Wouldn't it be better to put that energy into looking for a job instead? Or how about using it to learn a new skill to sell on the open market?

Having an income, any income at all, that you yourself earned brings pride and a sense of accomplishment. All the whining in the world can't replace that.

Source: http://www.myinvestmentblog.com/whiners

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