Rabu, 13 April 2011

Wednesday Links 4/06/11

Here’s the daily collection of links:
My Daily Routine: Checks and Balances for a Successful Trading Session (No Brainer Trades)
Brown Brothers FX Commentary: Fade Tightening Expectations (Zero Hedge)
EURO gets Green Light to Advance Further (Oanda)
Shanky’s Daily Stuff (Shanky’s Tech Blog)
Portugal on verge of�bailout (Credit Writedowns)
Expected ECB rate hike on Thursday would be a mistake; Ireland on track to return to strong growth in medium�term (Finfacts Ireland)
Fed Watch: More Hawkish�Rhetoric (Economist’s View)
The 10 Most Censored Countries In The�World (Business Insider)
Why Christians and Muslims Should Break the Cycle of�Hate (Huffington Post)
The unpalatable truth is that the anti-nuclear lobby has misled us all (Guardian)
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/innerfx/~3/EW-JC9EwYFo/wednesday-links-40611.html

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