Kamis, 14 April 2011

We're on our way up again

Things are starting to look up. Everywhere I turn I see signs of life. Mind you I wanted to write "strength" there, but for now signs of life will have to do. Just the same, we're back from the brink. It was touch and go there for a while but it looks like the patient will pull through.

Ah, but what kind of life will the patient have after such a close call?
In my opinion - and that's all this is, just one man's opinion - we're about to see a fairly broad based return to growth. Mind you, this won't be the rapid runaway growth we all might want to see. The kind of growth that would rocket our portfolios and standards of living back to pre-recession levels in a few months.

It won't even be the kind of growth to get us there in a year. I think this will be a much more subtle period of growth. The coming growth cycle will be weighted down by a global leveling of growth, a regression to the mean growth rate.

What does this mean for you and me? For my money it means getting yourself invested (if you're not already). The opportunity was yesterday, not tomorrow. Anyone waiting will feel justified in doing so because the tide's coming in very slowly, so slowly it won't even feel like a rising tide.

That is, not until it's too late and most of the gains are behind us.

Source: http://www.myinvestmentblog.com/were-our-way-again

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