Minggu, 10 April 2011


Recessions are just about the worst thing that can happen to a whiner, but for closers recessions are business as usual. In fact, for closers times like these can be the best of times.

This especially true in small businesses and proprietorships, where turning on a dime is an everyday occurrence. And it's why small businesses, entrepreneurs, lead the way out of times like these.

You see, closers know that selling is a two sided affair. Closers have a knack for sniffing out the deal. but here's the catch: The deal they sniff out today may not be a perfect fit for buyer and seller.

Closers understand that potential sales exist all along the continuum that exists between what's for sale and what buyers are looking for. Sure, when a buyer wants exactly what a seller has for sale the deal is done. But closers know those deals are easy to make. Anyone can close those deals. In fact all that's required is an introduction, and there is little value in providing an introduction.

Closers know their value lies in taking both buyer and seller out of their comfort zones. When both have to stretch a little to make the deal work, both have a stake in the outcome. Closers know this intrinsically. They know the action's in the small business, where the spirit of entrepreneurship still lives.

Big businesses have plans and forecasts and volume commitments to make. They aren't known for being fleet of foot. The tend to stumble through change rather than use change as a way to grow.

Source: http://www.myinvestmentblog.com/closers

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