Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Opportunity of a lifetime

It happens every day to someone, actually to a whole bunch of someones. But it might only happen once in any one particular individual's lifetime. Today is one of those days for a very good friend of mine.

My friend happens to run a small chain of automobile repair shops. For years and years one of his chief complaints has been the impossibility of competing with the auto dealers for repair work. Despite investing heavily in all the latest computer diagnostic technology and hiring the best mechanics trained by the auto makers themselves, customers have been hard to get. The perception is that his service can't be as good as that which the dealers offer.

Well today his service is not only as good (better, in all probability) as that which the dealers offer, it's also available. As the list of who stays and who goes among auto dealerships becomes known it will become clear that many customers have fewer choices for where to have their cars serviced. As they search for and eventually find the highest quality and most reputable service providers my friend's business will prosper.

I told him this is his once in a lifetime opportunity.

The void left by dealer closings will not be empty for long, but right now a free for all is taking shape in this business. Smart players are ready and will move quickly to win share. The winners will do exceptionally well.

This is truly one of those once in a lifetime opportunities - the kind that come knocking on your door, too obvious to miss. The key, of course, is to be prepared and to act quickly when the knock comes.


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