Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Monday Thoughts and FX Charts to Watch This Week

“Money, it’s a crime” – Pink Floyd
Hello. Today was the second time in the last two trading days when I actually laughed while looking at the charts. Why? – Because the rating agencies are back in business, downgrading stuff here and there and, guess what? nobody cares: Fitch downgraded Spain’s rating on Friday and the EURUSD stayed bid, then Moody’s downgraded Greece today and the EUR pulled back 10-20 pips before rallying to 1.4030. Is the market smarter? Or am I too optimistic if I believe that nobody pays attention anymore to what the rating agencies have to say about Read More

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/innerfx/~3/8xFrkbhs0k8/monday-thoughts-and-fx-charts-to-watch-this-week.html

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